
Robert By Gail Holmes Guys in the town couldn’t for the life of them see as to what the attraction was. If anything he was just a computer boffin. Just how he came to be[…]

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Distant love

My name is Matthews Oak, nicknamed Matt,I am 16, I was born in Brazil and just recently I moved in to San Diego, California…at first…I felt bad for moving out of my country but I[…]

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Girls night

I do not own anything. Though I wish I did. FEMSLASH. Bella was on her way to the Cullen’s house, because Alice had called her and told her she had a problem and she needed[…]

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Kalla: ch. 4

Chapter 4 Three thumping knocks sounded through the door. Dakota showed little shame. From the front room, even through the thick hardwood door, her muffled screams of pleasure would have been heard by the sentries.[…]

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Kayla part 2

Waking up in the morning changed drastically in the past few weeks. I used to wake up with a cloud of silence and loneliness hanging over my head. The girl I used to date left[…]

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Dear diary: november

November 3 Dear Diary, It's getting cold outside! I love the holidays, but I have more pressing things to think about right now! Gary keeps wanting to fuck us, and we keep putting him off![…]

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Unsure It was such a warm night, a little humid but not too sticky in the house. Still her room was far too warm, Kendra Evans thought. She had already stripped down to nothing but[…]

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Becky’s school days

Becky’s School Days Becky Halewood had been attending St.Swarthmore private school since she was 10 years old. Now at 15, she had spent a great deal of these important formative years here, an especially great[…]

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The anniversary …

I hurried around our large house, getting everything ready. I lit candles in the bedroom, and turned on some romantic music. I had already arranged for dinner to be on the table at 7pm. Now[…]

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