Chapter Two Revised Edition A Day at work at the Drive-In from Memory From Years ago (c) Copyrighted No copying without my permission Thank You I started walking away from their car going back to[…]
Dirty basement
Heather slowly approachs the closed dark basement door with trepidation and caution; what lies beyond is a world that is messy and dangerous. It is John's private workshop full of sharp tools, dirty workbenches, vise[…]
The "fucking" banquent
Me: You have to attend a banquet, not formal but no jeans allowed. You want someone who can think on thier feet, be engaging, be confident, etc. to escort you. Maybe even someone you can[…]
All mine
I wrapped the somewhat small towel around myself and walked out of the en suite bathroom, and back into the bedroom. My long, red hair, still damp, dripped down my back and my long legs[…]
My sexy officemate – iii
I could not take Vathsala out of my mind. She was not a beauty queen as I have mentioned earlier, but she was definitely attractive and sexy. Now that I have had two encounters with[…]
Birthday sex-t part 2
After my aunt jokingly declined my offer. She stood there for a bit smelling the air. Her conscious was fighting her thoughts in a battle of trust and wits. As she looked towards her daughter,[…]
My neighbour two doors down.
What I am about to write describes my first sexual experience as a 17-year-old guy. It all began last summer when I got a summer job at my neighbour's house. I was saving up for[…]
Mistress iona 2
Mistress Iona 2 One day when I came to Iona there was already a naked young man around 20 there on his knees in front of her licking her tits as she was sitting in[…]
Lisa (jessica) – chapter 7b – jessica (cont.)
Scott said, and nodded at Sean who sat on the other side of Corey. Both raised binoculars to their eyes. Suddenly a cheer went up as the riders came out. in blue.” Corey said. “Anthony[…]
Didn't have anything else to do (part 2)
(Continued and copied from last story) I was a young man. Maybe one of the more attractive young men in my grade, but then again I was the only black kid. Tall, lanky, and 13-years-old.[…]
Spreading seeds
Spreading Seeds (Copywrite 2008 Jack Luis) We rode into the Barny, New Mexico just after noon on the ides of March, 2356 CE. It was 250 odd years after the “Fist of Allah had Smote[…]
The room in my room part.2
DISCLAIMER: every single person in my stories are completely fictional whatever happens or whoever is in my stories if there is any relation in real life to my story. IT IS ALL COINCIDENTAL. "Hold still[…]
The champion's companion 16
“So,” Marcos said turning back to Queen di Sellis and looking around the women assembled. “Who do you think I should kill to set the balance back?” The Queen beamed and leapt into him hugging[…]
Michelle & sally
ONE Mechelle & Sally by /> I was visiting a friend of mine who was having a weekend long party to show off the new house. It had everything, a big boat dock, pool, garden,[…]
Sex with girl tied to tracks
Every weekend, Jack and Joe go there separate ways to see what happens then they meet back up to tell each other about their weekend. So, Jack went North and Joe went South and that[…]
Sex joke
As confused as a infant in a titty bar. As confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market. Q. What do a Rubix cube and a penis have in common? A. The longer you[…]