The ad

After having read it for the third time, Danny shoved it into the envelope and dropped it through the mail slot. For better or worse it was on it's way now. The "it" was and[…]

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Lessons learned

"Come on in, Krista," Mrs. Cox said easily, "Tommy isn't home yet, but he should be here any minute now, can I get you something to drink!?!" "Uh, no thanks, Mrs. Cox, I'm fine, I[…]

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For someone who hates big corporations as much as I do, closing for one of them on a Friday night seems really ironic to me. I mean, I'm a teenager! I should be sneaking into[…]

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Escapee [new story]

No one under the age of fourteen has any sex on this story. THE ESCAPEE: I have just been wrestled into the backseat of a police cruiser with its multicolored lights flashing in the early[…]

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The beginning

I looked down when my phone rang and was so surprised to see your number. I was also a little worried. You don’t call me from your house. I was very hesitant to answer as[…]

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