My Life as a Slave 3 I spent the next morning and part of the afternoon doing chores, straightening up the house while Ross worked. He gave me a uniform to wear. It was a[…]
The ad
After having read it for the third time, Danny shoved it into the envelope and dropped it through the mail slot. For better or worse it was on it's way now. The "it" was and[…]
Daddies modest girl
The Dream: Blood rushed through her veins, hot and thick with lust. She was in the strong arms of a man with a mask and his naked skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat[…]
One night with chad
Chad and I sat on the bed waiting for my hot blond wife to join us. He had answered an ad Ronda, and I had placed on craigslist. My wife and I had messaged back[…]
Lessons learned
"Come on in, Krista," Mrs. Cox said easily, "Tommy isn't home yet, but he should be here any minute now, can I get you something to drink!?!" "Uh, no thanks, Mrs. Cox, I'm fine, I[…]
Vacation without hubby
Judy here, im a married woman, My husband Jim is a hard working guy and a good lover. But he was working to many hours in our love life was hurting, So we plan a[…]
Cat girl charity – hidden games
To my readers – the stories of Charity take place in a world based on Dungeons and Dragons style of magic and creatures; come and see the ongoing struggles of the cat-gril called Charity and[…]
Late for dinner part 2
still trying to cover herself” Allen noted as Anna walked down the hall a few steps in front of him. It was true, the blonde girl had absent mindedly wrapped the towel Allen had sat[…]
For someone who hates big corporations as much as I do, closing for one of them on a Friday night seems really ironic to me. I mean, I'm a teenager! I should be sneaking into[…]
Super family meeting-sample
this is just a sample,posted for ideas and creative responses seeing as i hit writers block "Oh my god, Clark get your head out of Smallville mode and back to the big city!" said a[…]
My day with jamal
I was walking through a very weird sex store, and when I turned a connor of the store I saw a bowl of condoms and i started to laugh. I picked one up to read[…]
Lisa at carson's
There are times that I look back on my dating life and smile when I think of one of my overly sexual girlfriends. There are some perks to come with that kind of sex drive.[…]
The Induction
Two of the guys grabbed my legs and pulled me to the end of the bed. They lifted my legs high exposing my ass for whoever wanted to take it. Variance took his position and[…]
Escapee [new story]
No one under the age of fourteen has any sex on this story. THE ESCAPEE: I have just been wrestled into the backseat of a police cruiser with its multicolored lights flashing in the early[…]
Tell me a story – part 2
Prologue: Erica Fry is a fortyish woman who has on a whim taken it upon herself to visit a company that records one’s sexual fantasies on audio tape. A woman thirty something woman named Valerie[…]
The beginning
I looked down when my phone rang and was so surprised to see your number. I was also a little worried. You don’t call me from your house. I was very hesitant to answer as[…]