Late night visitor

Mark lay in the bed with nothing on him but boxer shorts. The August heat and humidity made even the sheets feel uncomfortable. He was exhausted from spending 12 hours at the worksite in the[…]

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By the seaside

Goldie was sitting on a beach in Florida, attempting to strike up a conversation with the attractive gentleman reading on the blanket beside hers. "Hello, sir," she said, "Do you like movies?" "Yes, I do,"[…]

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Belinda 2

Note: Yeah I hate these too so I’ll be quick. Interesting note is right after I posted this I ran into Belinda across the street at the mailbox wearing cut off shorts and a white[…]

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One year on a summer break i stayed at a friends house, his name was Brandon. He was an awesome guy and his family loved me so much they were happy to let me stay[…]

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Bb part 1

I write for money. I have several clients. A few more couldn't hurt. Email me at for MORE of my already written, and ongoing writing commissions, or if you are looking for a writer BB[…]

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