Going away present

“Damn! She’s hot!” Ryan stroked his dick as we sat around the computer screen. On the screen was a young woman being fucked in the doggystyle position. Caleb looked at me and grinned. Ryan’s parents[…]

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Just a little fun

We're sitting in a hot tub in the back porch of the house. You're wearing a skimpy little bikini top with barely enough fabric to cover your nipples. It's sagging slightly under the weight of[…]

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Amazing fuck

I lie on our picnic blanket and gaze up at the clear, blue, summer sky, my view framed by meadow flowers and tall green grasses. The heat of the afternoon summer sun warms my skin,[…]

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My first attempt

Upon entering the restaurant, the bright lights overtook my eyes. They had become accustomed to the dark during the long walk down the city streets on the way to the restaurant. The scents from the[…]

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From the files of Dr Marie Lyndon. Patient GS: T 05/08/14 Interesting case. Delusional. Possibly self-deluded, possibly schizophrenia. Delusion comes in the form of being told by (non-recurring) that he has been given infinite power[…]

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Afternoon stretch

Bright sunlight was streaming in through almost worthless mini-blinds when I first realized I was awake. Painfully bright sunlight. I groaned and rolled over putting my back to the window, pulling a pillow over my[…]

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Dad's tapes

Her dad didn't even know that she knew about his cache of X-rated videos he had hidden on the top shelf of bed room closet. Danni had found them purely by accident when she was[…]

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