I have been fooling around with my brother in-law for over a decade now and know that what we are doing isn’t right but it feels so damn good. In the middle of this sexual[…]
The truth about that sixth sense
A man goes into his son's room to wish him goodnight. His son is having a nightmare – the man wakes him and asks his son if he is OK? The son replies he is[…]
A cruise to remember
—– Chapter One —– I was 24 at the time and my husband is one year my senior. We had booked a seven day cruise that island hopped around the Caribbean. We were to visit[…]
S.o.s. for sex or a bang above the rest
Mitchell was fed up with his neighbor above him. He lived in an apartment and his neighbor above him constantly stomped around and made noise far past ten at night. And it seemed to happen[…]
The party
The Party After the break-up of the man who had given me 3 years of ultimate pleasure, my friends suggested I go to the "Party of the Century". After all I had been through, I[…]
A weekend with my sister
When I was in College, I was a very wild little slut. But, I didn’t start out that way. There were several things that led me down that path….And I will introduce you to the[…]
Beth ii ~ sweet sixteen birthday
BETH II ~ Sweet Sixteen Birthday Fiction by: Zappa06415 “Ditto /> Beth was becoming the love of my life. Little could be said, or done to stop this rush of emotions coming over the two[…]
Phoenix pt 4 ch 04
It was a month later. Béla and Beth were skulking around inside a sporting goods store. It was dark outside. Béla picked out a couple of really nice bows. They had pulleys on each end[…]
Sorority hazing
Hi, I am Jan and now the president of the top sorority on campus, I have to monitor our pledges to make sure they are up to our standards. They have to be great looking[…]
Will's new old home: part 12
Amy walked through the halls of the UCSD Medical Center, wearing pink scrubs and white nurses’s shoes. Her long blond hair was tied in a bun, she had on red lipstick and black mascara, which[…]
The island chapter 4 megan's point of veiw
So just a few things a lot of you may notice my spelling errors, i do not have access to a real computer ive been writing this story on a tablet for the last few[…]
Educating cindy
Educating Cindy Cindy was 13 and in Junior high. She was a tiny little thing and her little titties had just started to develop. She hadn’t developed pubic hair yet but her period had just[…]
Pure pleasure
Mmm…. The sight of it makes my mouth drool So tempting, so irresistible I take it in my hand Lick my lips in anticipation Pulling back the cover I gaze at the hard, red head[…]
My sory – chapter seven
Chapter Seven “The Couple” I nodded. This was it! What an afternoon! I had been fucked and fucked well. Plus some good girl loving, a little pain, and now some domination! Umm! How great life[…]
My boss and a few co-workers were going to a sports bar. We had just worked a long day and got out late, my boss offered to buy us a round if we all went.[…]
My neighbour two doors down.
What I am about to write describes my first sexual experience as a 17-year-old guy. It all began last summer when I got a summer job at my neighbour's house. I was saving up for[…]