Murder in court.

A man was in court for a double murder, and the judge said, "You are charged withraping then beating your wife to death with a hammer." A voice at the back of the courtroom yelled[…]

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Christmas angel

Melinda and her husband Mike used to go all out at Christmas time, decorating every inch of the house, inside and out. It was her favorite holiday. One of the traditions, Melinda brought from her[…]

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Bestiality and a young girl

Bestiality and a Young Girl Chapter 1 Veronica–or, Vicky, as she preferred to be called–watched as Christopher and his latest conquest rode off together towards the woods. Vicky felt the tears rushing to her eyes,[…]

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Silver lining

I am a firm believer that through any disaster, man made or natural, there is always a small sparkle of something positive. I had left two weeks prior to the recent disaster that hit America[…]

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Mark the spot

Mark The Spot I was thinking as I walked through the side door of my house that this was probably the worst day of my life. Humiliated at work… no, undermined by a snivelling little[…]

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Blind date

Tyler couldn't believe this girl!!! She was beautiful, smart, exotic, and witty, but talk about dominant, he could hardly get in a word edgewise!!! Even her name sounded exotic, Geneva Berk, now who had ever[…]

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Exposed by a stone

Chapter 1- Everstone The stones lit up the brilliant store, much like jewelry. The marble architecture shone white like a pearl, almost blinding my eyes. It was a decent sized room, with a high ceiling[…]

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Loving thy neighbor

One day I was looking in the paper hope someone would hire someone with no work experience. Then I got lucky there was a local scientist looking for an assistant experience not needed. I almost[…]

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Shower dominance

I was just about finished washing the grime of a hard day’s work out of my hair when you pulled open the shower curtain and squeezed yourself into the stall with me. I smiled at[…]

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Snow effect

It all started when we had a blizzard, 3 of my other friends decided to have a huge snowball fight/capture the flag. So we started off into the woods. My girlfriend and me went in[…]

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