When we get to our bedroom, more of bedroom sweet, with master bath, walk in closet, den, and setting area, Sara ask? “Dad will you help get me out of this dress?” “I thought that[…]
~*~a year later….~*~
I was sent away for awhile, Daddy said I need to be taught how to listen…since in a resturant ( that daddy owned), I broke out crying and asking for help. We were in a[…]
Tali is reunited with her father luka
Chapter 1; Tali was 17 years old with long black hair, her body almost covered in tattoo's and piercing pearl green eyes. She sat around the house when her foster mum walked into the living[…]
Swinging with my horny wife
As I sat out in the chair in our room, I couldn’t help but wonder what my wife had in mind for the night. This was the one and only night that she was in[…]
My best friend – part one
When I was nineteen, I was a freshman in college, and had just reconnected with an old friend of mine named Alex. We had gone to middle school together, but then to separate high schools,[…]
"daddy makes my girlfriend"
Daddy makes my Girlfriend By Blueheatt …..My daddy was having an affair with the lady down the street. Mom was having an affair with a guy at her work. They didn’t hide it much and[…]
A surprise from the past (part 2 )
If you have read part 1 this could make just a lttle more sense.Once again let me remind anyone who is not into boy on boy stuff to find a differant story. I woke again[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 23 – part1, the twenty-second day
THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY As a result of these all-night bacchanals, exceedingly little was accomplished on the twenty-second day of November; half the customary exercises were forgot, at dinner Messieurs appeared to be in a daze,[…]
How i joined the mile-high club
I saw him first in the queue at check-in, with his parents I assumed, this slightly sullen-looking young man, no more than 19 years old. image He was wearing a crumpled kind of casual jacket[…]
Jailbait sluts
After a very long and stressful week of traveling I couldn’t believe how happy I was to get home and see my bed. I got home about 9:00 that night and all I wanted was[…]
I am getting older and feeling older with it; and not in a good way. Aches, pains and medical problems are natures way to force me to face that I am not the same woman[…]
Our son's friends, part 4
Our Son’s Friends By: pornluvrjim Part 4 Julie Joins in The cat.. so to speak.. was out of the bag. So, there everyone sat, all the kids naked and the girls with cum on their[…]
Worth the wait
Every since I could remember I have had troubling thought. Seems like I have always just been waiting on the right opportunities to act on them. Oh I’ve had a few but the thought of[…]
Donnie meets his teachers, part 1
DONNIE MEETS HIS TEACHERS, Part 1 One of the first things Donnie noticed when he got back to school after the summer of his fourteenth year was that the teachers began to look more attractive[…]
My sister kylee (minor changes and corrections)
READ THIS FIRST: anything in Parentheses is a mental thought to himself .Not straight up sex in the beginning so if you are just looking for a good time this story is not for you.[…]
Fucking desperate betty
As I crossed the lawn into Betty’s yard, I couldn’t help but think what a prick of a husband she had. I have no clue why she was even with the fucking jerk off. A[…]