Sensuous love

A kiss, and yet so much more Begins our love down on the floor A touch a caress and warm soft hug And kiss lower, hair gentle hard tug Souls energy raised Glassy eyed daze[…]

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Aiming for amy 2

Amy lay near the lake sobbing for hours. Finally, she sat up and tried to figure out what she was going to do. She decided that first she should try to find her clothes and[…]

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"the date

The Date By Blueheatt ….. Strangers would just think it was a guy and a girl on a date. We would go far away where no one knew us. No one but us would know[…]

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Zombie holocaust 3

I awoke with terror clawing through my guts. Those screams were truly horrified. Had the dead gotten in? Jesus Christ! I grabbed my .45 and tore off down the hallway, leaving my redheaded lover in[…]

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Gay study

An ace team of sex researchers decided to study both gay men and lesbian women at a local bar. So one day they prepared a questionnaire and asked 20 gay men and 20 lesbian women[…]

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