Jim and jody part 2

From the night he found out that she was a tgirl, Jim and Jody’s relationship continued to grow. She unofficially moved in, which his roommates were cool with, because Jody was hot—they just didn’t know[…]

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Next chapter 2

Blood doesn’t really look red. That’s what I thought as I stared at the table at the police station, scratching absentmindedly at the surface with my thumbnail. There were two other people in the room[…]

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William and ann ch. 11

William and Ann Chapter 11 Natalie’s hand was replaced by her young lips. Larry felt the heat and moisture from her mouth surround his cock. This little girl was amazingly good for not having much[…]

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My first time

Some of the detail in this story is fiction, but it is strongly based on my first experience of and the consequences. I think of it as "enhanced truth", for as the Irish say "a[…]

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Authors note: There is absolutely no sex in this chapter. This is just to get the story rolling. I am not really sure if there is going to be a lot of sex in this[…]

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