CHAPTER ONE Cason looked out on the sea of dancing people. He could see several people he knew from the scene and a lot of newbies out in the crowd. Strokes wasn't really a fetish[…]
Friday nights – part 2
My dreams that night were weird and erratic. Everything was coloured red and I kept seeing flashes of skin of my dad. Weird tastes in my mouth and feelings in my stomach. I would wake[…]
Two boys in a storm
Daniel sighed as he began his short walk home. On the outside, he was just average 18 year old, brown eyes, naturally black hair, average height, and some slight muscle definition that showed he had[…]
The package (what would you do?)
One of the biggest advantages of moving into the condo after my divorce at the age of 45 was the many benefits offered. In addition to the luxury of not having to do menial chores[…]
The island [continued]
The Island Part 3 We walked across the soft grass… the evening breeze chilling her through the thin chemise… Inside the room, I turned the water on to fill the Jacuzzi… lighting the candles that[…]
Training the boyfriend
I got home late from a date one Friday night and was surprised to see my roommate, Scott, waiting for me. “What are you doing up?” I asked yawning. I squinted my tired eyes at[…]
7 days in heaven: day 1
Seven Days of Heaven: this is the first part of a 7 part story. This girl i like was coming to visit me and one night i had a dream about it. after i wrote[…]
Our first time
to start off this is the true story involving me and my younger sister. it happened when she was young. My little sister was 5. she was usually had pigtails and did not wear very[…]
Guardian angel chapter 2
CHAPTER 2 – THE CRUEL WORLD Part 1: Back to School Summer’s finally over, and it’s not school time. It’s also the worst day of Kiyan’s life. It’s also the day Jake goes back to[…]
Cindy, steven and jenny and carla ch. 1
Cindy, Steven and Jenny Ch 1 Steven was strangely attracted his sister 16 year old Cynthia when she agreed to skinny-dip in their pool with him. He watched her take off her bathing suit and[…]
Awakenings 4
Awakenings 4 I didn’t think I’d continue with my story, but a few things have happened lately that made me reconsider. One, Cleo (the woman who helps me write this) got so many responses asking[…]
Brothers having fun
hi im a 17 year old guy and my older brother is 22. This is what happened when i found him masturbating 🙂 I walked into his room to borrow some body wash and cracked[…]
Lovely intruder part 4
This is a multi-part story so please read the others first. Thanks for all the great feedback, and feel free to give me advice to help my writing. Enjoy 🙂 I couldn't believe the night[…]
Maria is initiated part 3
I spent the whole day at work thinking of Maria being fucked in the last couple of days by four of our friends, I was determined that she would eventually work her way through all[…]
Casey’s introduction
I’ve always been a shy girl. I’m not sure why exactly I am, but I think it has to do with being an only child. I never grew up with another kid in my home[…]
Only one road – chapter 3
– III – I couldn’t concentrate on anything. I managed to hang up on three people while I was trying to put them on hold, deleted one of the customer’s very important files, spilled hot[…]