Using lace pt 2

Stepping out of the limo Lacey relished the cool night air on her flushed body. Leaning against the cold metal for support she tried to calm her racing nerves. Never in her life would she[…]

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Here are a couple of jokes for you guys, they are not my original work, but I thought they were funny. So please enjoy them. Why do lesbians shop at Gander Moutain? A: Because they[…]

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Competition ch 2

Competition CH 2 Eva was expectedly reclusive the next few days at work. It was obvious that she was dressing in her more conservative clothes, but she still looked like the same slut. She would[…]

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The salesgirl

Kathy stood by the front door of Cox Shoe Store waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o'clock and she had a lot to do before Mark picked[…]

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Teeny popper.

Last week my neighbour’s daughter came over to my place to see me about something and saw me having sex with my girlfriend by the poolside. I was unaware of this at the time but[…]

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Hymens ch. 5

The four detectives got together in the ranch's dining area to compare notes. Lieutenant Johnson got the discussion going, "Okay, let's see what we've got here. I talked to one of the male victims, I[…]

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Love your neighbour

Charlie adjusted his outside microphones. Their main purpose was to pick up bird song from his back yard but they were sensitive enough to hear whatever was going on in his young neighbour’s bedroom. Not[…]

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A happy ending

Jack stood in his driveway feeling very emotional. Tears were rolling down his eyes for this had been a day he was both anticipating and dreading. He looked over at his little girl standing next[…]

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Young asian actress

Stretching her cramped legs under the table, Jenna stops taking notes long enough to scan the room. It is another late night, trapped in a conference that has dragged on for hours. The hotel has[…]

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