Demon of the water

White water rushed down to caress her body with soft hands. The torrents eased each of her tired muscles as they splashed against the firmness of her skin. The minute she had arrived home, she[…]

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Desperate need

This is my first story, and if I get enough views, I'll start a series. Please comment and message me tips and ideas, and I'll try and work them into my next story. I really[…]

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My neighbor

…Now, picture this, after dinner, I would sit on my front steps and have an after dinner cigarette. Upper middle class neighborhood and I had a hot girlfriend living with me. Across the street, my[…]

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Forbidden fruit tastes best!

Forbidden Fruit Tastes The Sweetest Tags: brother and sister incest A brother finds he really loves his sister in more ways than one then ……….. View Author's Copyright Information     Forbidden Fruit Tastes Sweetest.[…]

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