A small bell dinged and the televisions in the cabin dimmed and muted as the flight attendant’s voice came over the speakers announcing their descent into London. Tuning out the noise, Elizabeth and her two[…]
Ritual blood lust
Ritual Blood Lust By Samantha G. A few years ago my company closed its doors–for good. Just Fucking Great! I was really pissed about this turn of events; this job was the only reason I[…]
Sex joke
Q. What do you call a female police officer that shaves her pubic hair? A. Cunt Stubble. story by: Crude Guy
Third night with alison
Third Night with Alison My horny little neighbor, Alison, came running over to my home early evening all excited. She didn’t even knock on the door; just opened it and ran inside in a panic.[…]
My home office
Fbailey story number 242 My Home Office I bought my brand new house in the suburbs just because of the big bedroom on the second floor in the back corner. It was perfect for me[…]
Gym teacher 4
This is part for of the Gym Teacher series with Carol and Tim. It picks up with us leaving for the nudist camp that Carol’s family belongs too. The next week was pretty much a[…]
A perfectly reasonable explanation
This woman is driving into a small town and slams on the brakes as a coyote runs across the road in front of her. Just as she regains her wits and gets ready to proceed,[…]
Babysitting sis part two
Babysitting Sis Part Two It was late at night and he couldn’t sleep. He and his thirteen year old sister had had sex together in the family pool earlier that evening while he was supposed[…]
The tentacle problem
“Coda, I'm sensing a distress signal from sector 51." "Alright Nate, take us there." "Roger that. Computer, set a course to sector 51." Our spaceship lurched, changing directions to head towards our new destination. My[…]
Steve & jessica chap 1
Jessica's divorce had been nasty. Her ex had fought everything and the attorney's bills were staggering. But she had gained custody of her little girl and that was all that mattered. She would find a[…]
The frat
The Fraternity When I was eighteen years old I was arrested for a curfew violation and spent the night in a juvenile facility. It was supposed to teach me a lesson and ensure I never[…]
Wifes first mfm, what a night
It started out as a night out with plans to meet a guy we have been talking with for a while, and did the night go so very well. we have done the fmf and[…]
Meeting curtis
It's a Tuesday night, and I'm walking home from a Narcotics Anonymous meeting in the dark. It's about six blocks from my apartment, but it seems like longer. The meeting tonight was the same as[…]
The prisoner (part 1)
Jennifer (Jennie) Connelly was five and a half years through a six year sentence when she first caught the eye of Officer Hughes. She was 24 years old; she was about five foot nine with[…]
Forced lust: blinded (part 1)
Forced Lust Blinding This story was written with the thought of quick arousal. I haven't written stories in awhile, so bear with me please. Nonetheless ~ Enjoy :] Contents: Rape – Piss – Abuse –[…]
Going on vacation pt 5
In the morning, after my parents left, we knew we had the run of the house. After waiting about twenty minutes, just to make sure they hadn’t forgotten anything, I stripped out of all my[…]