Jyll part 2

Chapter Two – I spent the rest of my night sitting on my couch arguing with myself over last night’s events. Try as I did I just couldn’t quite justify what had happened. I knew[…]

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Lying in near silence on his bedroll, Xavier squirms uncomfortably. The padding was nothing more than soft rabbit hides stitched together, and left plenty of chances for the rocks beneath him to bump through. He[…]

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Wifes young friends

Young Friends I was heading to my car after leaving a downtown theatre after see. I wore a black lace and chiffon cocktail dress, with a modest V neck, black stockings, black heels and my[…]

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Let me be damned

If I be damned, let me be damned. Just let him be damned with me. Let my soul fall into never endering darkness. Just let him fall with me. Let my entirety be consumed with[…]

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Lip service

I was good a good cock suck when Master found me. I enjoyed sucking the way most women enjoy an orgasm. I found that my favorite cocks were about six inches long, thick and uncircumcised.[…]

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