Hi…Michelle again. Thought I'd take a quick time out and reintroduce myself to anybody that hasn't read any of the prior chapters. Today, I am thirty three years old, but telling stories from when I[…]
Mr s's surviving life part 1
Mr S's Surviving Life part 1 this take a bit to get into so if your just after sex you might have to skip some Intro Graham “Its probably best to start from the top[…]
All things considered
“ ‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house, Not a creature was /> As you can probably tell, not a whole lot was going on! So yeah, it’s not exactly the Little[…]
Mr. ben
My name is Ben. I work an accounting job out of my house. I have a beautiful wife, and two great sons. I live in a regular neighborhood, and I pay my taxes. I shop[…]
Our friday night with john
When I had last left you John and I had just ran into DeRonda at the store. We were there to pick up some munchies in case we got hungry later tonight. John and I[…]
Sex joke
Q. What's in the toilet of the star ship enterprise? A. The captains log. story by: Crude Guy
Older women
Fbailey story number 219 Older Women When I turned sixteen my mother had her hands full with me. Dad was never around and when he was, he was still never around. He was your preverbal[…]
The gem he lost
This story is based on my true story. Names have been changed, but actions are correct. I'm new to this, infact, this is the first time I've ever let any of my stories out to[…]
Alices pussy flooded with come
During the remainder of the week I’d been texting Alice, reminding her to get down the doctors and arrange to get on the pill. I’d told her via text message that I wanted to fuck[…]
Allison's story part 2
the story continues. Allison makes herself at home. I spent the remaining hours of my afternoon in Allison’s bed, well her floor really. We coupled in practically every position I could think of. Although she[…]
Roll in the leaves
Rachel sighed and looked up at the clock for the 100th time since she sat down. Why she had decided to take night classes after working a full day? She glanced down at her notebook[…]
Gym bang 1
Based on a real event. Eric sat in the deserted sauna, relaxing after a good work-out. His demanding career left him with little free time, but Eric stuck to his discipline of regular exercise even[…]
Strip and rape
This is just a short story about revenge and rape, so if you don't like rape, please don't read it. But if you do, congrats, I promise graphic details. /> Wan Ling hit the[…]
The bradford family saga part 6
CHAPTER SEVEN Marsha was groggy and disoriented when she woke up. Blankly, she looked at her naked body beneath the wrinkled robe that covered her, and then it all came back to her. She and[…]
The torque round
Hannah always had a hard time getting into the clubs. Even though she was 21, she looked 19, if not younger. Sometimes it was tough to convince them even after seeing her valid ID. Tonight[…]
Believe in love – part 2 – my past haunts me
"I'm here!" Luke screamed waving at me from the distance. I approached him and opened the car. "You are really noisy did you know that…?" I said, getting inside my car. "I'm… sorry…" he said[…]