Superman gets some

One fine day, Superman went to visit his good friend Wonder Woman. As he approached her front door, he heard some moaning sounds coming from an open window. Curious, he went to the window and[…]

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Belinda 2

Note: Yeah I hate these too so I’ll be quick. Interesting note is right after I posted this I ran into Belinda across the street at the mailbox wearing cut off shorts and a white[…]

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Tina rides david

As Tina’s plane was landing, her thoughts drifted back to the last time she saw David. It excited her to remember how it felt to have him hold her, to caress her body so possessively,[…]

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Met at the store

I was standing in the health and beauty isle of my local grocery store, when I felt someone looking at me. At first I dismissed it as an over active imagination and my crazy libido[…]

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Author: male raised in a rural area with not much to do when growing up, luckily sex was a big part of life in those days. While of average height and looks I was pretty[…]

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