
Taken Eight cylinders growl to life as I turn the ignition in my mustang. I step on the clutch, spinning my tires in the low gear. It's an ominous sign, considering what I'm speeding off[…]

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Welcome home, alyssa!

The first summer I worked for my family's boarding kennel will always rest fondly in my mind. It was my first job outside of flipping burgers or delivering newspapers. It was also the first job[…]

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The i-room iii

And so the debate continues as to what and who I am. Many consider me a madman, a debauched villain or a new form of evil. Mayhap I am, although I embrace the fact that[…]

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Bill and amber

Bill and Amber Amber could tell something was wrong the minute Bill walked through the door. He flopped down in his comfy easy chair and looked at Amber, his wife of nine years. “Bill, what’s[…]

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Dial 1-800-blk-cock

Joanna Norton stared at the scrap of paper sticking out from between her fingers After a long moment of contemplation she picked up the receiver to her phone and with a shaky hand dialed 1-800-BLK-COCK.[…]

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When it begins

The anticipation The sickly Distorted Painful Anticipation Every night we sit together Him on his couch Me on mine I watch him Twitching Switching channels I slouch I swear he doesn’t Even notice Me twitching[…]

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Mentoring brandon 2

MENTORING BRANDON By Bob Chapter 2: My Dream Comes True! A knock on the door – FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk[…]

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Mukuneiu: red moon

{ } scenes are flashbacks. ~ —–The only thing she truthfully remembered of that cold night was staring into the glowing headlights as they passed by. Her skin was dry, yet felt brittle, and she[…]

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My introduction

Well, my name is Lizzie Elliott. I was born and raised in Toronto Canada. Toronto is also the city or setting where my stories take place. I'm currently 19 years old, a high school drop-out[…]

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