At the beginning of the summer when I found out my husband was going to be deployed we decided to take a break and head out to Top Sail Island for a week at the[…]
Okay this is totally fake but here it goes! I was 15 when all this happend. It was a normal day of school. But something happend in the afternoon. I was walking down the hallway[…]
Richard came home early
Meet Richard, a hardworking man just trying to start his life. A middle class man, standing about 5’10” tall. A man not much on exercise, but not a slob. Dresses in nice suits to make[…]
The poker game
The Poker Game My name is Sarah and my husbands name is Ed. He’s 33 medium build I’m 31 5”2” 135 lbs strawberry blond hair, 40DD and a tight butt. Because I’m so short my[…]
4 curious college girls: vol. 3
Volume 3: Chapter 11: Sleepless Nights A Few Weeks Later… Thursday Night Julie and Taylor lie in bed quietly, trying to sleep. It is past their normal bedtime of 11 on Thursday nights. “You still[…]
More cousin judy
At the breakfast table, cousin Judy sat with her bowl of cereal eating away, not paying me any attention while I sat to her right, reading the newspaper and having a bowl of Cheerios myself.[…]
Katie's craiglist add
I rolled over and stretched, waking up with sun light streaming through my window. Reaching for my pack of cigarettes on the night stand I realized I was wet between my legs and had the[…]
Breaking dawn white
Hello, just so you know this is my first ever story and I have spent a while getting it to this stage. The story isn’t finished, probably only half way, however as its now quite[…]
First day
"This has been my dream since I went on that historically black college tour!" The girl on the side of me practically beamed. I sighed and lugged my suitcases down the hall to my new[…]
A family affair – pt.1
John came in from soccer practice, threw his backpack in the den and went to the kitchen. He saw his mother standing at the sink and, with a large smile, said, “Hey, Mom, what’s />[…]
The crystal glass bowl
Sister Mary Holycard was in her 60s, and much admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon early in the spring a young priest came to chat, so she welcomed him into her[…]
Kaylee and the black men
Yes this is a true story. Please excuse me if the spelling sucks or the grammar is off. I encourage you NOT to read this story if you are a racist or into love stories[…]
Lost day part two
I couldn’t help but thinking about Danny’s cock. How big it was, how it tasted, and how he pumped my mouth full of his cum, my little cock was starting to get hard. I had[…]
Broken in at the theater
I was only 14 at the time…And up till that point, I really genuinely thought I was straight. I’d hooked up with a few girls at school, and I loved every second of it. Of[…]
When i became a woman – chap. 18 — we play for daddy
WHEN I BECAME A WOMAN – CHAP. 18 — WE PLAY FOR DADDY Hey Deedee, Daddy was gone again, this time for three days. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. That left Mommy and me together at[…]
Bound for pleasure
They loved to arouse each other whenever they were apart. On the phone they would tease each other until one or both of them needed to hang up. For her it was the knowledge that[…]