Here's chapter 2… Right on time! I haven't gotten very much feedback on the first chapter, but what I have gotten is that people like my other story better… or that it's really different, and[…]
I couldn’t help but to explore this very house again, after so long from being departed from it, now was my only chance to relinquish the forbidden memories. Pushing the door ajar, my feet touched[…]
Stories from davis hall 2: lynn's new home
Keep in mind, I’m a girl, and I’m also not a lesbian, so this story may not be up to your full Into After Lynn had escaped the clutches of Rev. Greene’s cult, her[…]
A lesson in submission
Slowly you walk toward me, I’m kneeling my head lowered, my hands clasped behind my back, my breast jutting out. You come to a stop before me and take in the sight knowing this journey[…]
My first milf
My first Milf It was a brisk summer day when I had gone over to my best friend Brandon’s to relax after a day of hard work. When I knocked on the door his mother[…]
Late seven
Late Seven By Systematic Sandy wanted to get laid. I could tell from the looks he was giving me, his body language. It had only been a week since our sleepover, but he was getting[…]
The sergeant's affair – chapter 2
A Sergeant's Affair — Chapter 2 A continuation of their day in the park. She picked her head up from his chest, a secret smile on her lips as she licked them, imagining how his[…]
Life's strange turns. part 1
Life’s strange turns. Part 1 /> Once upon a time, in a subdivision maybe not so far away from you, I (David) lived with my wife of 3 years. Jill was a California girl I[…]
Chapter 2 Sir Cy explores Justine
It was a leather wrist cuff. He showed her the cuff by reaching around from behind her and handed it to her and asked her to put it on. She took it from him and[…]
The class outing
The Class Outing. by pete, June, 2006. Chapter 1. My name is Paige Wilson, I am an English Lit. and Geography teacher at a well known private school for girls in Toronto, I am just[…]
What girls want
“Riley, I’m so jealous of you,” Danielle said as she lay on my bed looking up from her phone. “I’d give anything to have a body like yours. Just look at your fucking tits. They’re[…]
A summer with amber chapter 8
I woke up with the two young ladies still in my arms. I smiled to myself. I stayed there for a few minutes before deciding to get up. I wanted to play with these girls’[…]
Will's new home: part 5
“Darby, I can’t say I’m proud of what yall did.” “I’m sorry, sir” /> The girl gulped. “The lord forgives, and as do I” “Thank you, sir, this time I promise I-” “Hold on now,[…]
Power rangers sex 2
As soon as the two cross the threshold to their shared apartment, their lips are glued to the other, ferociously tearing at the others clothes. A trail of clothing leads to their bedroom, strung across[…]
Sins of a father part 3
Sins of A Father Part 3 How time flies when you're having fun. Four years had passed. My sexcapades with my daughter were beginning to turn from a sick fantasy to an obsessive mission. A[…]
A lunch time to remember
I had just taken a new position at work. With this new gig came more freedom, responsibility but more importantly, a bit of extra cash each pay cheque. I had been with my girlfriend for[…]