Jonah:- "Celeste /> Celeste:- "Jonah it isn't your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you're not" Jonah:- /> Celeste:- "No but's[…]
Through a haunted house
As soon as the first door slammed behind Todd and Valerie, the teenager’s lips met in a fiery kiss. With their tongues exploring each others mouths, Todd caressed the sides of Valerie’s breasts. Oh, how[…]
Rest area fun
Rest Area Fun In my 1st story I was on my way home from visiting friends in Indiana and found a way to have a lot of fun in a rest area with a truck[…]
Ukyo Kuonji tapped a spatula against the table, glancing over at the clock on the wall for what she estimated was about the ninth time in three minutes. Shampoo wasn't technically late. It was still[…]
Private dick
A phone was ringing; he couldn't hear it, he only felt the vibrations through the desk; all he could hear was his blood in his ears and the faint moaning of the dame who's luscious[…]
Ashley's discovery – 4
This story is fictional; any resemblance to real life events is coincidence. The morning came, but I still felt very tired. Last night was amazing; it seemed like a never ending orgasm. My brother Ryan[…]
A sexy subject part 4
The day of the wedding Trish and Christine met Steven at the county courthouse to sign the marriage license. Judge Clifford Brown who performed the ceremony was a tall, slim man with short brown and[…]
For the love of big cocks
For as long as I can remember, I have been enamored with big cocks. I don’t know exactly when it started, or why, but as soon as I started getting interested in men, I thought[…]
Gay study
An ace team of sex researchers decided to study both gay men and lesbian women at a local bar. So one day they prepared a questionnaire and asked 20 gay men and 20 lesbian women[…]
Teacher's pet
My balls are hanging comfortably now. They got up with me at 6:30 in the a.m. I took them to the diner down the street. I got a seat at the counter and as I[…]
Promises and bitches ch. 1
Summary: Kylie makes a thoughtless promise to her boyfriend which she's unwilling to fulfill. But there is a solution… *** A loud grunt followed by a metallic clank echoed through the room when Dave heaved[…]
Holiday 1 – the awakening
This was a holiday we both needed. It seemed so long since we both went away together. We needed time alone – time to let loose where no one knew us, so we booked a[…]
Dave's motel education
DAVE: You might say my first time was a back door experience when I was fourteen. That same summer, 1954, Aunt Minnie was severely injured in a car accident. Since Uncle Cal and his brother[…]
Mixed metaphors iv
Mixed Metaphors IV As Tony departed in a cab, Rebecca assigned herself to the drudgery all women hate. She was shopping, but not the type of shopping she did for hours, and then came away[…]
New to swinging
My wife Allison and I were sitting on our deck, looking at the ocean, just six steps up from the sand. We were finishing our third bottle of wine while we talked. It was about[…]
Dna 2 chapter 9
"Hurry up!" Mandy shouted from outside Paul's bedroom. "I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much[…]