Where am i

~~Note: Hi there. This is my first story so all comments and emails are welcome. I am thinking about writing another one to go with this because it seems like a good and bad place[…]

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Body art chap 2

Jack was enjoying teaching his all female art class. Half the women were over 60, wealthy widows all, but they seemed to enjoy his instruction and his innocent flirtation. the younger students were typical residents[…]

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Lab session

Tom Dallas glanced at the clock on his office wall and muttered to himself, “Better get ready, they’ll be here in few minutes.” After putting down his reading he got up from behind his desk[…]

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Office encounter

“Damn it.” Kaylee looked at the figures before her for at least the 10th time silently begging them to add up. She hated numbers. They never came together right for her. It was so infuriating.[…]

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My fantasy

When I was younger I would have never fantasized about this but as I grow older and still play around a bit. I am completely curious about sucking a penis and swallowing it's sperm. I[…]

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The afternoon tea party

They had been meeting like this for about three years, fifteen women in all, over fifty years old, widowed or divorced, and between relationships. The group had been organized by Betty Colton and her good[…]

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The laxbro

The halls of Jesse’s high school echoed with the raucous laughter of students and the idle chatter of teachers. It was the first day back from winter break, and everyone was catching up with each[…]

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Flying kites

A guy is outside in his front yard attempting to fly a kite with his son. Every time the kite gets up in the air, it comes crashing down. After this goes on for a[…]

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Wealthy heiress

I'm in LA for business meetings over the weekend. I decide to out Friday night, with one thing in mind, finding a young Asian girl. Then I decide to give Paris a call, I have[…]

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