This is the first story I've ever decided to post but not the first I've written. Comments of any type are welcome and appreciated, enjoy. -Master Wolf The Man in the Dark Coat Chapter 1[…]
Just good looking ch. 2
Chapter 2 Alyssa was from a small town and in a class that had an exceptionally large number of school sluts, the girls that are laughingly recalled at the ten year high school reunion, until[…]
Am i his or his?
Willy Carlson my hubby loved to play board games ..In fact it was boarding upon an obsession with him!..You may think I jest but I'm serious!..The man's a gamer and although he's thirty three years[…]
Mr. coleman had his wife gang raped
I’m excited about my trip I really need a break and a new wardrobe for the summer. After my massage I will have the boutique send up a dress for the evening. I’ll catch an[…]
My wife and her sister
My wife, Susan, is five feet, one inch tall, under a hundred pounds — a tiny lady. She is a beautiful, red-haired, green-eyed, sexy, young woman. She has great legs, a tight, round ass, and[…]
Jimmy, his brothers, and his mother
Fbailey story number 713 Jimmy, His Brothers, And His Mother Jimmy, Billy, and Joey were talking rather loudly about Mandy and her twin sister Candy. They were talking about how the two beautiful girls had[…]
The succubus chapter 1
Chapter 1. I was rudely awaken as the obnoxious alarm clock pierced through the silence. I hate Mondays. When I managed to force myself out of bed, I took a quick look at myself in[…]
Three times a lady
Three times a lady He wakes up by the sound of giggling and the cracking of a staircase. He opens his eyes, but he does not see anything. His eyes are covered by something and[…]
The life of josh – chapter 3
The story beggins in chapter 2. If you have not read it, you might be at a bit of a loss now. Feel free to comment. And rate please! /> Chapter 3 – A lesson[…]
An unexpected lover
It was the summer I turned 19, headed off to college, and began a new life. Kristy, my former girlfriend, and I had separated after 9 months of dating, and I was ready for something[…]
Just for you daddy part 4
Dominick awoke before Mandy did, and lay there on the bed thinking about the two of them. Their relationship had evolved into a beautiful, loving relationship between a man and a woman. Mandy was no[…]
Jason ch. 17 & 18
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Shortly after Sandy left for school I started having chest pains. I went to the Doctors and after all the examinations he said I had several arteries clogged up. I underwent triple by-pass[…]
Spa fun
My wife and I moved into a new house with a pool, and it wasn't long before we decided that we needed a spa to go with it. We opted for one of the aboveground[…]
Lucy's tale (part 7)
Part Seven My exhaustion from my day of incredible sex was total. I feigned a little sunstroke and with my Mum being, well, a Mum, she gave me some painkiller and packed me off to[…]
Auntie emma puts out once again
Names and places changed to protect identities I spent about the next week just chilling out around the new apartment, buying new bits and pieces and making the place look really nice. I’d stuck to[…]
The way i dreamed it part 1 chapter 1
Just so you people know I do NOT own Naruto [sobbing] I wish I did. a NaruxHina story, plz RnR Part 1 sum: Hinata finds it in her self to finally come out of her[…]