In 7 days

In 7 days (part 1) Day 1 I’m waiting in a rail station bar, waiting for my train home, thinking about work, as I sip my beer I start to look around the room, only[…]

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Bosy love

When I first met Mitchell, he told me he would like to fulfill a bondage fantasy and asked me to write one for him. He provided me with one from his view point, but MY[…]

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Marilyn f. 2

A month or so after Barb's cunnilingus massage episodes; I received a call from Barb's friend, hair stylist and confidante. She said the old legs and feet needed more of my magic touch. I told[…]

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Visit to agent

Alex is short for Alexandra, arrives at my Highland Park home, a modest home comfortable upper middle class neigborhood. “ Let’s go inside,” I said. With that, she turns quickly on her heel, and is[…]

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Menage a quatre 4

This is a sequel to “Menage a quatre” “Menage a quatre 2” and “Menage a quatre 3”. I can't insist that you read them first, but I think that this episode will only make sense[…]

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