Vlad and Rachel had given Lisa a decent burial. Nice and peaceful, Vlad had placed a spell around her grave that would would prevent anyone or anything from interfering with it. Rachel stood in amazement[…]
The night (with paragraphs)
Taylor, Carey, and I are all 15, and this is The Night: They made me cum 18 times. The first 11, I was active, or I was alert. For the rest, I just[…]
Kiki in england.
This story was put together after all the themes were suggested by another poster. Kiki in England. Kiki an American was on vacation in England with two of her girlfriends. They had been staying in[…]
Jimmy, his brothers, and his mother
Fbailey story number 713 Jimmy, His Brothers, And His Mother Jimmy, Billy, and Joey were talking rather loudly about Mandy and her twin sister Candy. They were talking about how the two beautiful girls had[…]
The cedar street chronicles – chapter 1: welcoming the lewis family
This story is pretty long, but I enjoyed writing it, PLEASE rate it, and leave any comment, advice is very welcome, I'm open to any suggestions you may have, consider this a pilot, ill continue[…]
A deadbeat's diary – chapter 2
After I had gotten back from Valerie's, I went back online to look for more tail to bang. Things were looking pretty dead in the local chat room and my girlfriend was soon home from[…]
Kathy white trash whore (part 12)
This little story is about as filthy as it is going to get for me. I know that some people will read it and be totally disgusted, but I really wish they wouldn't. If you[…]
Only one road – chapter 8
– VIII – The next day was uneventful until it was over. I’ve heard someone calling my name in the parking lot. I turned around. It was Wes Graham, one of Billy’s pets. I gave[…]
Ex-wife surprise
I had a long hard day at the office, and when I got home, all I wanted to do is relax. My sixth ex-wife, Mina greets me with a coy smile, pressing herself against me[…]
A quiet interlude
I stand at the foot of the table watching you intently. The silence is wreaking havoc on your already overexcited senses. My eyes travel over your face taking note of the slight parting of your[…]
Strangers & semen part 2
(This story is for entertainment purposes. Lana Lawrence doesn't condone illegal acts. Real life sexual encounters should be between consenting, kinky adults and thick nubbly vibrators. Don't forget to vote when you finish reading and[…]
Sex with girl tied to tracks
Every weekend, Jack and Joe go there separate ways to see what happens then they meet back up to tell each other about their weekend. So, Jack went North and Joe went South and that[…]
My birthday surprise part one.
This is my first story! Most people dont remember their childhood very well. I remember all of mine. It all started when i was 4 years old. My two half brothers had to start living[…]
Inmate's tale part 2
She smiled as she noticed his limp dick. It hung over to the left, still covered in her sweet ass and pussy juices from their earlier romp. She sighed, "you can't tell me you're done[…]
My little lady jade: part 4
My Little Lady Jade: Part 4 Before I get back into our story, I want to explain more about Jade’s sister Dani. I know some people might question her willingness to allow her little sister[…]
The succubae seduction: chapters 25-29
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 25 = = = = = = = = = = = =[…]