This story has been written from what I have been told to me by a very close (and intimate) friend- it was her first experience and I have used her story and written it in[…]
My amazing life chapter 1
This is my first story ever. Comments are more than welcome. This is not a quick climax story. It is more like a short novel, so there is a lot to it. This story contains[…]
After the event
There were 8 of us, that was it we knew of no one else who had survived its quite possible that else where in the world there were others who had survived but we didn't[…]
What's good for the goose…
A woman is in bed with her lover who also happens to be her husband's best friend. They had sex for hours, and afterwards, while they're just laying there, the phone rings. Since it is[…]
A quick divorce
Copyright 2002 FK Publications Seated before the TV screen, Bob played away with the video game, the thing plugged into the consul, giving him the best possible view of the score as he held on[…]
My journey to crete
Hello to everybody who is actually reading this. I'd like to make a few statements about this story. First, it's a tale with some real rough sex in it. If you like romantic gf sex,[…]
Amber part 1
It was fine being me. 6-2, 210, benching 240, and wide receiver on the football team did help the social standings. I wrestled the 215 weight class and had one more season to become state[…]
Just for you daddy part 5
Dominick awoke before Mandy did, and lay there on the bed thinking about the two of them. Their relationship had evolved into a beautiful, loving relationship between a man and a woman. Mandy was no[…]
I can't say goodbye to yesterday
I think of then, Warm memories preserved by time. How long has it been, These memories I commited to rhyme? To read these lyrics from then, And remember what I once desired. To clasp the[…]
English teacher
“Christ, I can’t do this. There is no way I can walk into the building today,” Jodi whispered to herself. Going into the school this morning would be the end of a long night, or[…]
Suzanne 2
This is the sequel to “Suzanne 1” After I had met Suzanne at the conference in Melbourne, I had a strong incentive to make a trip to Adelaide. I had a standing invitation to visit[…]
Sex joke
Q. How do you know when you honeymoon is over? A. When he no longer smiles as he scrapes the burnt toast. story by: Crude Guy
Sandee's story
Author’s note: I’ve used Sandee, the lovable former stripper, in several past stories. Here is her own story. This one features several other characters already in incestuous relationships. To learn of how these mom/son couples[…]
Uses of a teacher
It is a curse of all young teachers, thought Sandra, that they have to do all the shitty work the older hags wouldn’t do. It wasn’t as if she was being paid for doing extra[…]
Three for her birthday
One of the things I'd always discussed with my girlfriend, Julie, was the idea of a threesome. Though she was never intrigued by it, the idea was always something lurking around the back of my[…]
Internet mess up
This is not a true story always wanted to make one so i am.NO real names just made them up One night daughter Marie was bored and just got a new laptop and was happy[…]