Father time

Father Time Adam’s head was about to explode. His temples pounded with a pain he had never experienced. The throbbing seemed to start at the base of his neck and rode completely up the entire[…]

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Gina has another adventure, this time with a girl from another story of mine. Aperitif Gina sat on the curb watching the happenings at the annual Triangle Block Party her new neighbors held every first[…]

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The gym teacher : part one

"Samantha, would you please step into my office, I have something I would like to discuss with you!?!" "Uh, yes, Miss Denton," Stephanie replied, "I'll be right in!!!" "Please be seated," Alicia Denton said while[…]

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Ana's on the prowl

Ana had beautiful breasts, everyone said so. They were perky and ample. Her shirts always stretched across her chest, which drew even more attention to the perfect globes that sat upon her chest. She never[…]

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The cruise

THE CRUISE We boarded the huge cruise liner in Venice, Italy for a seven day trip up into the Baltic Sea, with stops in Athens and Istanbul, then on to Yalta and Odessa before returning[…]

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Home gym

"You don't mind working out at my place tonight, do you," asked Frank? "No, that's no problem," Denny replied, "as long as I get my reps in, I really don't care where I do it!"[…]

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Weekend fantasy

FRIDAY The fantasy starts early one Friday morning, and would last for the whole weekend, and every thing that you think can happen will and even things you can't even imagine. On Friday morning I[…]

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My new bride. part 3

“It’s so warm.” She whimpered as my last squirt came out. “And it’s all for you.” I said smiling as I kissed her. “It better be.” She laughed We lie in each other’s embrace for[…]

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Welcome home

*This story was inspired by watching the Veteran Day tribute to the soldiers on ESPN. It showed soldiers coming home to their families after being gone for long periods of time. So I decided to[…]

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