Kate & jim chapter 5

Kate & Jim-Chapter 5 January 2015 By beagle9690 Katherine Ryan spent a few minutes putting the dishes away and straightening up their Winnebago before joining Jim in the bedroom; her motto; a place for everything[…]

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Caught in the act

Mickey glanced up and down the hall checking to make sure that the coast was clear, and when he was satisfied that no one was around, he slipped into the furnace room and made his[…]

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Garth's dilemma, part one

Garth was popular young gentleman. His work bought him into contact with many young ladies he worked with. One such young woman was an attractive, but spoilt blonde named Jessica. She had recently started part[…]

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Blind date

Tyler couldn't believe this girl!!! She was beautiful, smart, exotic, and witty, but talk about dominant, he could hardly get in a word edgewise!!! Even her name sounded exotic, Geneva Berk, now who had ever[…]

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The unforgettable dance

The last dance of the school year was almost over. I looked around the gym…dark lights, crepe paper streamers, kids huddled in close, sweet embraces. I was more interested in who was dancing with who[…]

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