I had grown up in a perfect world for a child, that is to say that I got pretty much everything I wanted. My father and his friend had set up a company selling houses[…]
East of nowhere part 4- meeting winter- revised
After a few hours of walking, Sasha and Grayson arrive in Hartford with the girl in the wagon. After walking a few blocks, they turned down a side street and Sasha hears Grayson yell “There[…]
Trip to the market
{This is a Gay Erotic Short Story. If you are pregidous against gays or bisexuals, please, leave this story and do not look back. If you also have something against the idea of a little[…]
Novum vitae-a new life.
~A girl meets her Master for the first time, to start a new life, and is shown just what being 'his' means~ The first time I met him in real life he was holding a[…]
Amilo and milo: the beginning
Amill and Milo were the best of friends. They always hung out together, went to school together, and well only had one class together. Amill was a very sexy young man who looked smart but[…]
Freezing to death
Two men waiting at the Pearly Gates strike up a conversation. "How'd you die?" the first man asks the second. "I froze to death," says the second. "That's awful," says the first man. "How does[…]
The big and tasted secret of the priest
In school were only teachers, it was almost 3 p.m. The director, who name is Victor, went to toilet. He was pissing and after while the priest was next to him. He was pissing, too.[…]
A phone call pt 2
My phone rang, I pulled the bed clothes up around my chin and let the answer-phone take the call, "Neil Barker is not here and if you want a Taxi it's too bad" "It's Elsie.[…]
Two fleas on vacation
Two flees go on holiday every year to Florida. They always meet up at the same bar, The red lion. One year the first flee, Tom, was sat in the bar, when the other flee,[…]
Aunt had no idea ch 3 – busted
It was about 3 months or so before I was back at my cousin’s to spend the night. I figured I was in a pickle. During my last overnight stay, when we got up the[…]
Last one to know, chapter 11
Last One To Know, Chapter Eleven All the kids are getting older and more experienced. Kathy and Kay’s kids are meeting for the first time and things seem to be off to a good start.[…]
Suzy's workout
Erotic novels by Gail Holmes Work Out” Ron had but a few moments after he picked his daughter Suzy up from the tennis club, he’d wanted to get back as the van was to be[…]
Mom at the roxy
I leaned back in my theater seat as the woman gently maneuvered my cock through my open fly. Through my half-closed eyes, I watched as she formed her thumb and forefinger into a circle and[…]
The badendorf family history — part four
The Badendorf Family History By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. Four • Down the[…]
A summer story
Matt’s Fun Summer – By Formerly Yak It was the first true week of summer and I couldn’t have been more excited. I was going to be working at a summer camp full time, doing[…]
Gimme a saw
A construction worker in the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the other[…]