As spring transitioned to summer, my relationship with Hannah blossomed to perfection. She still lived with her roommate, she planned to move in with me later in the summer when her lease was up, but[…]
The pendant – chapter 2
The Pendant Chapter 2 The next morning Dan awoke to find his wife had already left for work. She was a supervisor at the local supermarket and started work at seven each morning. He grabbed[…]
Banging billie 2
I thought for days about everything that happened. I was only twelve, and I should not be having sex at all let alone with my brothers. I tried to rationalize that they were not blood[…]
Summer camp with connor (part 1?)
I couldn’t help sneaking glances over at the sink next to me. Connor was standing in front of the mirror shaving shirtless with long dark bottoms on. So hot… Connor had nice tight pecs, a[…]
Best night ever
Angie stood up from the table to get herself and Sarah another drink, and as she did I noticed both Dave and Sarah watch her ass as she walked. I could tell that the evening[…]
Busted! (pt 1)
Rose's mom was gone at work, her boyfriend was over, and they were going to do it. But Rose's younger brother doesn't like when he's over, and disrupts them every time. Maybe this time he'll[…]
Camryn: c06
—– 6 — I woke up to the blaring beep of my heart. It was so loud. I could hear everything, so loud. I looked down to find the wires attached to me. I’d rather[…]
The boarder
Mitchell Crawford looked over the room and decided immediately that this would do just fine! For eighty dollars a week he got a nice place to stay plus breakfast and supper, not bad at all![…]
My story
This is a story based off of one of my friends and I. He is my best friend in the entire world. I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything. Adam is my best friend.[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 17 – part1, the sixteenth day
THE SIXTEENTH DAY Our heroes rose as bright and fresh as if they had just arrived from confession; but upon close inspection, one might have noticed that the Duc was beginning to tire a little.[…]
Learning the lifestyle part 1
Silky had been engaged when she first met Michael. He was the program director of the college radio station where she went to school and worked everyday from two to six every afternoon. In essence,[…]
As I drove the dark lonely road home from a business trip, I decided to call my wife to let her know I'd be arriving home by 1 AM, in two hours or so. My[…]
My trip to corporate
As I was getting off my plane in San Francisco, one of my favorite cities to visit on business, I made plans for a town car to pick me up and bring me to my[…]
Gray rock 1
The phone continued to ring. The large piles of blankets shifted but only a little. The ringing phone seemed to get louder and louder. Finally the blankets would move and a hand would slide out[…]
My mom's friend
I was never what you would call with the ladies. I was never fighting through throngs of girls. So it wasn't really a surprise when after my 19th birthday I still hadn't ever had a[…]
White part iv (format fixed)
White pt.IV The morning came with a cool breeze blowing in from the ocean. Nikki opened her eyes and stretched. To her surprise, she felt refreshed and not hungover which was a bonus. She made[…]