Act I: Where she hooks me Before I could turn my head in surprise, she had fingered my last cigarette from the crumpled pack in front of me. It was now dangling from her lips[…]
"mistaken identity"
It was my aunt and uncles big Halloween party. I know it sounds kind of lame but this was my mom’s baby sister so she was closer to my age then my mom’s. Her parties[…]
"behind closed doors"
I Saw You By Blueheatt …..These were the last words I ever wanted to hear from my sister Linda. My dad’s girlfriend Stella got careless. Sis saw Stella and I fucking in my pickup in[…]
Will's new old home: part 12
Amy walked through the halls of the UCSD Medical Center, wearing pink scrubs and white nurses’s shoes. Her long blond hair was tied in a bun, she had on red lipstick and black mascara, which[…]
Caught peeping
Sam was down in the dumps. The college year was over and now most of the apartments where he worked were empty. All the pretty girls were gone and with them all the pussy he[…]
The alleyway
As she walked down the dimly lit street , looking for a phone booth, she regretted driving through this seedy neighborhood. How was she to know that her car would break down, and her cell[…]
My girlfriend's exhibition side
I have known about my girlfriends exhibitionist side for quite some time now. Having learned this from her telling me true stories of her past, and how she loved to walk around her house naked[…]
Living together
Shelly age 32 never married is very attractive woman that I have went out on two dates with and had sex both times. I received a call from her inviting me to join her at[…]
Bobbie in the summer of 1967
Bobbie in the Summer of 1967 Journey of four teens in the age of discovery. The sweet smell of summer drifted lightly through the open window as we snuggled carelessly together on the double bed.[…]
Trust and disgust
TRUST AND DISGUST by Bobjj123 I’ve felt the sweet taste of revenge for wrongs perpetrated against me and the joy in knowing that it was me that orchestrated it. On the other side, I’ve seen[…]
Return of the kosmetics killer (entry #1): a christmas special
I couldn’t believe my luck. One minute I was in a prison van returning to prison from my appeal hearing. Then all of a sudden, the van was lying on its side after a collision[…]
Me and my daddy 4.
Oh…my…god!! That's all I can say about that! Incest with my dad was like, way way beyond anything I could have ever imagined like, oh my good god! Mom tried to tell me that he[…]
Finishing the day out
Finishing out the day at my neighbors house. I left off in my first story where I had just finished suckin the cum out of my neighbors dick and he noticed my little hard on.[…]
What a fucking wedding night!
It is the big day, the day of my wedding, I the groom, marrying my beautiful bride, Bianca in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the wonderful American city of New York. The weather this morning is[…]
For a man i miss
For a Man I Miss I want to feel you enter me again, To penetrate me totally and fill My cavity with hard and pulsing flesh And send me into realms of utter bliss. I[…]
My dirty little secret (9)
As always, thanks for the feedback, guys. I did notice that you all noticed the horrible errors I made in the last chapter and that's because of my terrible editing and the fact that I'd[…]