She was beautiful. Dante smiled to himself as he looked over his birthday present. Pale as the moon with dark chestnut hair that rippled past her shoulders and with eyes the colour of pale violet;[…]
Mentoring brandon chapter 14
MENTORING BRANDON By Bob Chapter 14: Becoming Part of My Lover’s Family As I lay awake trying to get to sleep, I reviewed in my mind the conversation that Mikey and I had had earlier[…]
Blue dress
Heather enjoyed comfortable lifestyle, she wanted and needed rough sex. Six months later she has the best of both worlds, and I love it. Heather and I are close in age, for the first time[…]
Phoenix pt 4 ch 04
It was a month later. Béla and Beth were skulking around inside a sporting goods store. It was dark outside. Béla picked out a couple of really nice bows. They had pulleys on each end[…]
I love to fuck
fasgfgt gagawrf YJ story by: sovanara
Phoenix pt 3 ch 07
It was two weeks later. The ground was just now thawing enough for spring planting. The Great Bard had convinced the farmers who had worked on the university foundation last summer to start on the[…]
Dream job (everyman's fantasy)
The California Board of Education meeting once again ran late into the night. The stale air became stifling in the August evening, as the air conditioning units had been shut down over an hour ago.[…]
How to unveil yourself to your love
This is for all the women down there who want to keep their partners and they way to seduce them and keep them happy Hope you readers like it It is a totally natural masculine[…]
The james family pt. 2: a reluctant cristina
I woke up Saturday morning a little after dawn, shaken awake by a strange hand, lying naked in a strange bed and a strange room. Oddly enough, I only noticed the white girl sleeping naked[…]
Offer that can't be refused
Maria Ammerman is an attractive 40 year old petite woman selling exclusive real estate in Dallas. I flew her to Miami, an hour later, Maria pulls up to the ornate wrought-iron gates of the estate,[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 08 – part1, the seventh day
THE SEVENTH DAY The friends had ceased to participate in Duclos' nine o'clock lessons. Wearied from the night's riot, fearing, furthermore, lest some operation might result in loss of fuck at that very early hour,[…]
A good friend
Story of a good friend It was one of those perfect summers where nothing went wrong and everything was perfect. Except for that fact that I was best friends with a girl I could never[…]
Bumps into woman in lobby
A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to ask the clerk a question. As he turns to go to the front desk, he accidentally bumps into a woman beside him and as he[…]
Sarah's a bad girl – the next day
Sarahs a Bad Girl – The Next Day I woke around 7:30 AM, wondering if Sarah was up or still in bed. Did she have on a nightgown or did she sleep in the nude.[…]
“Nope, I’m going to go bearing gifts of truth. She was warned, the contract states very specifically a gag order for me, my team and everything we do. I cannot let this slide,” I tell[…]
"What the hell am I doing here at this hour," Carl said out loud to no one in particular, "man was not made to lift weights at midnight!" For over a year Carl Nevins had[…]