Erotic novels by Gail Holmes “WILLOW HALL” “It will be fun, just the three of us, plus its all for free, think about it, a whole weekend! Come on Hazel, I was convinced you’d be[…]
When two arab guys used me as their toy
I'm going to share a true story that I never thought I would ever write. It was an ordinary Friday night out in Brussels. I had met up with some friends to grab a drink[…]
Happy power gaping metaphor
Happy power gaping metaphor So the story goes that Rochelle came over around 6:30 to my off campus apartment to study for our english exam on Wednesday. I was always nervous around Rochelle. She was[…]
Please go away
Fbailey story number 363 Please Go Away I cut through Lori’s backyard and stopped dead in my tracks. There was Lori in the window staring at me. Her tits were crushed in the window sill[…]
The locker room (uncomplete)
it was what seemed to be a normal day at high school for Jacob, he had attended all of his classes and went to gym,he stayed after to practice his free throws for basketball. he[…]
Hard as chinese algebra
“I’m never going to understand this stuff!” Marty grumbled, just wasting your time.” Marty knew he really needed to pass this course to stay on the team but he just couldn’t make sense of any[…]
My wife closes big deal
My name is Jim and my wife's name is Lucy. We have been married for 18 years. We are as much in love now as we were the day we married. Lucy is a stunningly[…]
Revenge on katelyn
Katelyn: 17 years old, high school student. Dark brown hair. Green eyes. C cup breasts. Slander waist. Flared hips. 5'6" tall. Me: 18 years old. Hig school student. Short, spiky Black hair. Hard muscled body.[…]
Love is a gamble love is a game
LOVE Love is a gamble love is a game Guys do the fucking girls get the blame 1 night of pleasure 9 months of pain 3 days in the hospital With 2 babies to name[…]
Katlin and missy: ch 3 – pregnancy
Cathy: Chapter 2 was longer than I originally planned. But I couldn't see breaking off before the two girls became pregnant. It ends with a long narration by Mark, the man who's finally accepted what[…]
Jeremy part two
Hi, it’s Jeremy again. The next time my mother allowed me to get a glimpse of her naked body I did exactly what Jenny suggested. It had been about three or four weeks after my[…]
Back stage heat
It was just supposed to be a short nap. I’d been working day and night to get the sets built for our upcoming production of Romeo and Juliet. We’re a small theatre group and can’t[…]
My little secret 3
Sunday started with the sun in my eyes to wake me up. As I sat up in bed I heard moans and screaming of pleasure. Putting a Bra and panties on, I slipped on my[…]
Family ties (part one) genesis
I've been watching them for months. I've been planning this for years. I've been craving since puberty. Of course, I never thought I'd be able to pull it off; even the thought of it seemed[…]
Damn I must be strange and if you think so leave a see I really enjoy and also get off seeing my wife enjoy herself sexually and her also being fucked by other men. It[…]
Birthday present
It was my 18th birthday. It was Thursday, and my big bash wasn’t until Saturday. My parents were visiting my aunt in Utah, so that night it was just me and some masturbatory goodies I[…]