Why don't women blink during foreplay? Ans: They don't have time. story by: The Porn Joker
The office junior – part 8
My world fell away from my feet. I stumbled back onto the sofa and stared at Emma's message. Last night in a drunken haze of lust I thought I was fucking Becky. I thought I[…]
Body work
“Hey Greg, would you mind watching the phones while I go to lunch and run a few errands? Jerry’s not coming in today at all said Veronica as she walked out of the office. An[…]
Two friends use my spare room for meetings
Hi Everyone. I hope everyone is well and having nice things happen. I am doing really great and geting back into the swing of things now. I am healed up rather well but my obgyn[…]
A boy and internet porn
c Out at the Ranch It was a nice damn day, the middle of the summer and the breeze was gently blowing thru the back yard and in the little basement window. It felt good.[…]
Video store – 2nd attempt
A few weeks had past since my 1st attempt to check out the adult video store. I had jerked off thinking about that experience about a thousand times since then, but I was still anxious.[…]
What vcr?
I have had my eye on Eric since he started tending bar at the restaurant I worked at. We’d had some casual conversations, but nothing that seemed to lead anywhere. It was frustrating as hell.[…]
New year party at lucy's
It was New Years Eve at the home of Lucy, the sister-in-law of a workmate Mike. Around 15 of us had gathered in this Scottish village for a party to welcome in the New Year.[…]
Crazy 9 month to come – part 1
It was the first week of summer vacation, I was soon to be a freshman at my local high school in two months but what was to happen in these two month were to completely[…]
Forcing the hot kid.
In school, there was a boy named Michael. He was in my PE class. He was just perfect. He wasn't that tall (only 5ft 4") but he had a perfectly smooth body, with nice abs,[…]
An unforgettable melody ch. 07
An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 07 Mike slowly awoke the next morning, Melody still cradled in his arms. Lightly brushing her gorgeous red hair, he kissed her forehead tenderly. Slowly, she began to stir, kissing his[…]
Boy in the bar 2 – the party
Boy in the Bar 2 – The Party “A couple of the regulars I haven’t seen for a while said you looked after them just great last time they were in the bar. Must ha’[…]
Four teens
This is the story of four teens exploring the world of sexual pleasure. This is based on a true story, and has been adapted slightly for your reading pleasure. This is the first of what[…]
A stranger in town
I slipped off his tie and tied it around my eyes, making sure my vision would not distract me from the pleasure I was about to feel.Immediately I felt the small room close in on[…]
December to remember
I was just sitting at home watching every flake of snow that fell to the ground. Bored as hell, there was nothing better to do. Plus i just loved snow. Not just because we get[…]
The power: chapter 2
The Power: Chapter 2 Warning: The following contains graphic adult content. It also contains rampant exaggeration; so if you have a problem with insanely large body parts, leave now. We don’t want to hear you[…]