The sphere

It was the humming that woke her up. The humming, and the headache. It wasn't a hangover, the woman thought. It felt different. What had she done? The woman sat up slowly, sliding her slender[…]

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Up north

Up North It was a bloody cold night and there I was standing at the end of the service station waiting. The cheapest way to get up and down the country was to hitchhike. It[…]

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Bad vicki

Vicki bounced into the room with her usual energy. Her plaid skirt flitting up slightly as she did and her breasts straining against the fabric of her white cotton blouse. Her pig tails bounced on[…]

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Exposed by a stone

Chapter 1- Everstone The stones lit up the brilliant store, much like jewelry. The marble architecture shone white like a pearl, almost blinding my eyes. It was a decent sized room, with a high ceiling[…]

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The setup

Chapter 1-The Setup I walked through the doors to the biology building like I did every Friday morning, bag slung over my shoulder. I made my way through the crowds of people in the lobby,[…]

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Awakening pt. 5 (2)

After a couple of weeks at school Jess was starting to fit in. She’d made a few friends, and had become particularly close with Tyler’s ex. Over the weeks I hadn’t exploited my powers as[…]

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Ritual blood lust

Ritual Blood Lust By Samantha G. A few years ago my company closed its doors–for good. Just Fucking Great! I was really pissed about this turn of events; this job was the only reason I[…]

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Home economics

Andrea Patterson checked her daily planner and pulled out Millie Evans file. She opened it up and scanned over it quickly, making a few notes on a yellow legal pad she had on her large[…]

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