Bad jokes

A class of elementary school kids is flying to D.C. with their teacher. Also on the plane are a lawyer and a Catholic Priest. Half way through the trip, the captain comes on the intercom[…]

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Not what i expected.

Not what I expected My name is Meghan Sanderson, I’m 19, and have been interested in girls for most of my life. When in high school I never understood the more common female reaction to[…]

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Double intruder

Relax Honey, let me take you on a sensual trip of delight, let us share your fantasy. Your fantasy is to make out with Sweetness, to be screwed with a double headed dildo while I[…]

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In 7 days

In 7 days (part 1) Day 1 I’m waiting in a rail station bar, waiting for my train home, thinking about work, as I sip my beer I start to look around the room, only[…]

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Blackjack! part 3

/> The sequel to the sequel/the end This may seemed a little rushed, I was trying to finish it quickly. Please comment/rate if you like it! Now, enjoy. /> Blackjack! Part 3 /> In a[…]

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