A class of elementary school kids is flying to D.C. with their teacher. Also on the plane are a lawyer and a Catholic Priest. Half way through the trip, the captain comes on the intercom[…]
Not what i expected.
Not what I expected My name is Meghan Sanderson, I’m 19, and have been interested in girls for most of my life. When in high school I never understood the more common female reaction to[…]
A midday cheat – a 'modern family' fanfic
Andy pulled his car into the Dunphy’s driveway and left the engine to idle as Kyla La Grange’s finished up on the radio. Typically, it was the kind of song that would make Andy change[…]
Alexa the high school hand job princess
Chris reached up to adjust the rear-view mirror of the sedan, looking at its reflection of the back seat. There was Alexa a junior, the high school hand-job princess, jerking off one of the freshmen[…]
Riding a big black cock
I was out late at night on a Saturday. I had been at a nightclub with a few friends, and they were drunk. I was sober, I don't drink. (That's probably why they asked me[…]
Love from a princess
I'm little nervous about telling this story, its about a girl i know we are going to call her Rogue, i can't tell you her real name. People call her princess and bitch, for good[…]
From sex deprived to sex addicted pt. 9
Nick entered his home curiously optimistic. If Robert or his mother saw him with the goofy smile he had plastered on his face, especially after his rude exit this morning, they would probably send him[…]
The maintenance man 9
The Maintenance Man 9 /> Nissie and Sam were physical wrecks, Nissie had already been through this before with the attacks, explosions, threats and general terror. Sam had just gotten her brother back after years[…]
Double intruder
Relax Honey, let me take you on a sensual trip of delight, let us share your fantasy. Your fantasy is to make out with Sweetness, to be screwed with a double headed dildo while I[…]
Kelly – schoolgirl pocket money (chapter 2)
CHAPTER 2 Jim was shocked. He didn’t know how to react to this. His head told him he was playing with fire here, but his cock was sending very different messages to his brain. As[…]
Shape shifter
So this a fantasy story of Shape shifters . So I was a 18 yr old boy and I used to live in a small town. I am not like the usual guys who is[…]
Starting young…
It feels like yesterday; it seems like too long ago. I was just a boy, 7 years old. My first same-sex experience was more innocent. As a younger boy, maybe 5, a sort of game[…]
Horny reunnion (part 3 and 4)
(Well I figured since part 3 is a bit short I'd mash it up with part 4 and finish with day 1. Just like before this is a direct continuation and starts precisely when part[…]
In 7 days
In 7 days (part 1) Day 1 I’m waiting in a rail station bar, waiting for my train home, thinking about work, as I sip my beer I start to look around the room, only[…]
My family and i part 1
INTRO: Hi. My name is Hannah. I am 13 and I have 7 sisters and one half-brother. I know what you’re thinking, ‘Wow, her parents must be horny,’ well they’re not now, cause they’re dead.[…]
Blackjack! part 3
/> The sequel to the sequel/the end This may seemed a little rushed, I was trying to finish it quickly. Please comment/rate if you like it! Now, enjoy. /> Blackjack! Part 3 /> In a[…]