Friends and lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the[…]

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Disturbed rose

Born to a peasant family deep in the farmlands to the east of the great Milford castle.My mother Kenya Givens. on November 1st A.D.Gave birth to me Aaron. Being the third child i was the[…]

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Backstage pass

copyright: Lesley Tara, 2009 I grew up in a medium-sized resort town on the English coast. Every summer, the local theatre would put on a show during the holiday season, with the lead roles taken[…]

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Making the grade pt. 1

Making The Grade by LindsayO© I have brought this story over from another site…enjoy! Sitting at her desk in the back row of her Advanced Calculus class, Hilary is hiding behind her text book and[…]

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