The prima donna

Lisa was what they call a prima donna. She gets her nails done every two weeks like clockwork, won't go out without her makeup on, always dresses in the latest styles, says "ish" to housework,[…]

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Mind reading

Just a short story I'm trying out, if it's liked, I'll write a few more parts to it. As always, constructive criticism welcome. If you find out mistakes, point them out and I'll try to[…]

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A dream come true

The ancient, dusty cobweb expanded as the warm air tugged at its weakened skeletal fabric. A rumbling swelled within the confines of the underground station; a roaring sound interspersed with the 'clickety clack' of steel[…]

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Dirty night out 2

1/08/10 What a night! Started off in Moodys( 'cos it's cheap) then Reflections( 'cos it's bangin) then we went to the Bank( cos it's shit but the queue for Reflex is terrible). Lots of cute[…]

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Trying to please

Roma is age 33 very attractive woman from the Ukraine, she arrived late last night. Roma is in her bedroom looking at herself in a mirror across from the bed. She parted her legs a[…]

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