Black candles

black candles in the night soft flicking light casting our shadows on the wall not much talking, bedroom eyes say it all cheap wine drank from a jelly glass she's no Lady and she has[…]

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After the game

This is my first attempt at publishing the events of my life so constructive criticism is welcome but don’t be an ass. It was Friday night just after the football game. I had permission from[…]

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The raven

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary. I was reading through old classic favorites of mine. I was alone in my library. I had to keep pushing my long, cherry red[…]

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Taken chapter 1

Taken: I hurried along to the tune of my ipod, my knee still hurting from volleyball practice, but I ignored it. I’d made a dive for the ball and landed too hard. The sun was[…]

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