Staying alive

It's been so long since I've seen my little princess, she's been away at college and is finally comming home to visit her old man and I plan on suprising her by taking her on[…]

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T or d part 3

/> Mike was out shopping with his dad. “What television do you like better?” asked Mike’s dad, Sean. “That one,” said Mike. “Okay so what do you want to do after this?” asked Sean. “How[…]

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The bad boy

I was in-between boy friends and getting a little lonely and a lot horny. Who should I run into but Kenny. Back in grade school I had a class mate Robert who lived down the[…]

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I'm not a stereotype

I’m Not A Stereotype by Maya Hatashita as told to BrettJ© 2010 Author’s Note: I am not the of the story, although readers, isn’t he one lucky S.O.B? I very nearly blew the opportunity of[…]

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Mary kay convention

The set up was perfect. A cosmetics convention filled with women at a hotel conference center. At the end of the long day of meetings lots of women get drunk, not having to worry about[…]

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