Copyright 2001 by FK Publications “ What the fuck’s this?” “It’s your cut…the seventy five percent you always take!” “ You mean to tell me that’s all you can that ass of yours is worth[…]
Keeping myself pure
This guy in a bar notices a woman, always alone, who comes in on a fairly regular basis. After the second week, he made his move. "No thank you," she said politely. "This may sound[…]
Kb and me
The following story is true, and accurate, as best to my recollection. If it was fiction, it would have had a much happier ending. “What are your intentions with my mom?' Those were some of[…]
Big guy on elevator
Mike goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this great big huge guy standing next to him. The big guy sees the little guy staring at him, looks down and says, "7 feet tall,[…]
The cruise
THE CRUISE We boarded the huge cruise liner in Venice, Italy for a seven day trip up into the Baltic Sea, with stops in Athens and Istanbul, then on to Yalta and Odessa before returning[…]
My young flower 3
I awoke suddenly to feel my sis grabbing my morning wood. “Oh god Brandon. Have a good dream about yesterday? Your as hard as a rock!” she squeezed my dicks shaft. “You know that its[…]
Keeping it in the family
A 60 year old woman came home one day and heard strange noises in her bedroom. She opened the door and discovered her 40 year old daughter playing with a vibrator. "What are you doing?"[…]
Mutual attraction – part 4
This story continues on directly after my last story, Mutual Attraction Part 3. The following day, as expected, our parents returned from down the coast, and they told us that our dad had been put[…]
"in the basement" ~-chapter 1-~
My friend Logan and I were sitting in my room, which unfortunately was the basement. But I had my own bedroom at least. I had my own tv too, with a new xbox 360 to[…]
Business part 3
He rested there, on top of the sobbing girls for a moment, letting the spasming muscles of her asshole milk every drop from him. Even as he struggled to catch his breath, his hands were[…]
My coworker Jim had been playing racquetball weekly for about six months at his apartment complex, we had a standing reservation for the court every Thursday night from 7-9. The complex had a small "fitness[…]
Help! – part 12
Welcome to part 12 of *** Back at Danny’s house, everything was great as Danny turned the cold silver key, locking his front door as Jake made himself comfortable on the soft, black, leather sofa.[…]
Office fun
As a security services company we monitor and maintain computer security for several large companies, employing state of the art remote computer access software. Over the last 7 years I have been working the grave[…]
Megan's sleepover
Megan’s Sleep Over. Part One: Cable outage He watched through the first floor window as she dialed the number on the back of the cable box and smiled to himself. This is going to be[…]
The girlfriend saga: meeting katie
So there she was… dancing in the middle of the dance floor. i sat and watched as her sexy ass swayed to the beat. her long slender legs and her mini skirt. and im guessing[…]
The babysitter part#2
split when entering it… As the men continued to pleasure her she yelled at them to do it harder. This she found always made her orgasms more intense. Another hand from out of no where[…]