The frat

The Fraternity When I was eighteen years old I was arrested for a curfew violation and spent the night in a juvenile facility. It was supposed to teach me a lesson and ensure I never[…]

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Camryn: c06

—– 6 — I woke up to the blaring beep of my heart. It was so loud. I could hear everything, so loud. I looked down to find the wires attached to me. I’d rather[…]

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What happens when the order of things get messed up? Like things that just aren’t suppose to happen do happen, and it changes everything you ever believed in. That’s exactly what happened with me and[…]

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A summer 'job'

Chapter I The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put[…]

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Mixed metaphors xii

Mixed Metaphors XII It was Sunday morning; four am when Becky got out of bed and cruised the front room like a morning watch police officer looking for bodies and various types of damage. Everyone[…]

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