[i] [b] I went to the theatre with my boyfriend. It was a moderatley seual flick. I was wearing a short skirt and a zipper front blouse. There was an older man sitting to my[…]
Sins of the father g
Introduction. Introduction. This is one of 13 parts. Beginning with Flight of Sin, Sins of the Father through Sins of the Father G. There are side parts, Naughty Pretty Things, Naughty Pretty Things II, Now[…]
More of i love my pet
Sorry i said i did not know he would cum just then he must like you he got very excited a smile came to her face thats ok he dose not taste to bad a[…]
Sex joke
Q. What do you call a female police officer that shaves her pubic hair? A. Cunt Stubble. story by: Crude Guy
Amazing online hook up
The most incredible on-line relationship I ever had. So this happened several years ago. My husband and I had just gotten married. For fun sometimes we used to talk with other couples or sometimes guys[…]
Are you my daddy?
A woman is all ready to give birth to her first baby. The doctor, obstetrician, and nurses are all waiting for the birth. The doc checks for any signs of progress and suddenly he feels[…]
A summer camping trip part 1
Hey, this is my first story so if there is anything you think I could do better just say it. I enjoy constructive criticism, so even if you a scared what you are saying is[…]
Bens girl harem
Chapter One: Sorceress charming Sitting on her chair bored out of her mind was a petite girl with long silvery hair wearing a dark purple nighthgown that matched her lipstick and mascara color, she was[…]
Rebecca and robyn
Rebecca and Robyn The sky was clear not a visible cloud for miles in any direction, there was a large palm tree casting shade on the spot where Rebecca had clambered out of the warm[…]
Rich boys love 54
me and harvey had a massive argument over his dad so when we woke up it was a usual morning harvey made me some breakfast and we had a shower together. when we was getting[…]
End of early morning news show
Marci arrives home at the end of a long and wearying morning. When she enters her loft I'm sitting in a chair dressed only in a robe. My robe is open showing that I'm nude[…]
Vengeance, a sweet delight
Vengeance, a sweet delight We had always been competitive, me and Jennifer. We grew up competing against each other. First in the neighborhood games, then with the neighborhood boys. We would do anything to better[…]
Mentoring brandon 2
MENTORING BRANDON By Bob Chapter 2: My Dream Comes True! A knock on the door – FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk[…]
Pool-time part one
John was a tall, heavyset man, with American Indian features, deep brown eyes and a smile that lit up a room when he entered it. His wife’s name was Kandy, a petite BBW with red[…]
Verry incestous relations 4
Verry Incestuous Relations Chapter 4 Title: Mother Gives It Up A – MOTHER DEAREST / AN INCESTUOUS PLAN: Jerry heard the sound of his bedroom door opening, followed by his Brother Larry’s whisper, “Hey, are[…]
Ukyo Kuonji tapped a spatula against the table, glancing over at the clock on the wall for what she estimated was about the ninth time in three minutes. Shampoo wasn't technically late. It was still[…]