If I be damned, let me be damned. Just let him be damned with me. Let my soul fall into never endering darkness. Just let him fall with me. Let my entirety be consumed with[…]
The crystal glass bowl
Sister Mary Holycard was in her 60s, and much admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon early in the spring a young priest came to chat, so she welcomed him into her[…]
Visit to agent
Alex is short for Alexandra, arrives at my Highland Park home, a modest home comfortable upper middle class neigborhood. “ Let’s go inside,” I said. With that, she turns quickly on her heel, and is[…]
Mom takin care of me 6
So many things were running through my mind about how it was gonna be when my sister got to the house. It was exciting thinking about what could happen even though she had no clue[…]
A child's play thing
Patricia shuffled uncomfortably as she held the pole of the evening bus as she left her afternoon classes and stared out at the darkening skies. She felt some one brush up against her and heart[…]
Woman with doctor's appointment
One night, as a couple lays down for bed, the husband gently taps his wife on the shoulder and starts rubbing her arm. The wife turns over and says: "I'm sorry honey, I've got a[…]
There's always a silver lining
There was no mistaking the anger in Bella’s eyes as she watched her boyfriend, Colin, down a shot of tequila, his third in a row. She grabbed his arm, swaying slightly he signaled his friend[…]
Scott and i part 2
Scott and I were ecstatic at the thought of a week alone with each other. We had to walk up to the hotel room, unpack, and meet back downstairs for dinner. Scott and I walked[…]
The dancer
The screaming, yelling, and clapping of two hundred crazed women, combined with the relentless beat of a hard rock CD, never failed to get Rolando whipped into a frenzy before he hit the stage! Dressed[…]
Only one road – chapter 11
– X – I guess I dozed off without even noticing it because suddenly I was back in our old high school again. It was the first week of January, right after the Christmas break.[…]
Brother in-law and i
I have been fooling around with my brother in-law for over a decade now and know that what we are doing isn’t right but it feels so damn good. In the middle of this sexual[…]
Forbidden desire, unwanted lust [revised]
Please comment, If you will. I enjoy all criticism, good or bad. Enjoy. 2:45 am Derrick layed silently in his unkempt twin sized bed. His legs and arms flayed in every direction as he let[…]
T or d
screamed Logan as he danced in the end zone. There were 4 of the teenage boys playing a 2-on-2-football game. They were all here because it was the one’s birthday. Bryce was the one turning[…]
My Dear Sweet Slave: Part 1 – New Pet
With the strength earned from millions of hammer swings, he effortlessly picked her up and held her against him, her back pressed against his bare chest. He could feel her heart beating wildly and her[…]
12 – college years 4 – back from christmas vacation
Note: As per my other stories, the character names are all changed on the off-chance that there is someone who recognizes any of the deions of living arrangements or furniture. If this is the first[…]
His lordship 2: the feasting
So glad my readers enjoyed the first of this series! Please enjoy the second, and hopefully it will earn enough praise to encourage a third! /> James' heavy breathing assures Isabelle he is still asleep.[…]