Let me be damned

If I be damned, let me be damned. Just let him be damned with me. Let my soul fall into never endering darkness. Just let him fall with me. Let my entirety be consumed with[…]

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Visit to agent

Alex is short for Alexandra, arrives at my Highland Park home, a modest home comfortable upper middle class neigborhood. “ Let’s go inside,” I said. With that, she turns quickly on her heel, and is[…]

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A child's play thing

Patricia shuffled uncomfortably as she held the pole of the evening bus as she left her afternoon classes and stared out at the darkening skies. She felt some one brush up against her and heart[…]

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The dancer

The screaming, yelling, and clapping of two hundred crazed women, combined with the relentless beat of a hard rock CD, never failed to get Rolando whipped into a frenzy before he hit the stage! Dressed[…]

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T or d

screamed Logan as he danced in the end zone. There were 4 of the teenage boys playing a 2-on-2-football game. They were all here because it was the one’s birthday. Bryce was the one turning[…]

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