
Residing in the suburban area of a large city of the United States, Amy lived alone, working her way through college. Studying ancient history, the exquisite young lady wanted be an archeologist when her education[…]

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Good friends

Chapter 1 It was a small party of ten couples and a few unattached men and women and it was, to Helga Cooper's mind, rather a stuffy affair. Everyone seemed to be standing in little[…]

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After school special

The school bell rang as everyone scrambled to find there seats. At the front of the room, John Davis (more commonly referred to as Mr. D) smiled as he watched his students sit down. "Alright[…]

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A free ride

Id never really considered myself to be gay, but i knew id be lying if i tried to tell myself that i wasnt dissapointed not to have gone home with Barry. Id never actually had[…]

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Taken chapter 1

Taken: I hurried along to the tune of my ipod, my knee still hurting from volleyball practice, but I ignored it. I’d made a dive for the ball and landed too hard. The sun was[…]

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