Looking back

She was 15. I was 23. I first saw her running around their yard with her little brother. She had on a frilly bikini and even then her voluptuousness showed. She was sexy. She was[…]

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The limo driver

The Limo Driver ….* Limo drivers have many stories they tell in secret between them. The people in the back having wild party’s, love and sex in a semi-private place when they just have satisfy[…]

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Mary kay convention

The set up was perfect. A cosmetics convention filled with women at a hotel conference center. At the end of the long day of meetings lots of women get drunk, not having to worry about[…]

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Butterscotch part 4

10:00 pm So there we both were on the London Underground; our faces luridly painted, our bodies clad in black satin and lace, in leather and tartan, in silver and steel. I had never looked[…]

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Midnight visit

Only twenty words were spoken. Twenty words that would change her life forever, and also the way they saw each other. It started off distant and professional, him just taking what he wanted. But it[…]

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Mommy knows best

“You look absolutely radiant, dear,” Hillary’s mother said after giving her a congratulatory kiss, “is Paul excited about prospect of becoming a father!?!” “Oh, yes, mother,” Hillary gushed, “he’s already talking about how he can’t[…]

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