Third is a charm

Three is a charm There are sometimes times in life where life makes a decision for you. The gloves come off, the blindfold is pulled away and you realize that you yourself had little to[…]

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Tuckers island 31-36

"Tuckers Island" by Gail Holmes Chapter Thirty-Two “Penny you’re back your father was asking after you, he’s still on about the pair of you seeing you’re mother!” Elaine informed her. “What did Jane say?” “I’d[…]

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Mommy knows best

“You look absolutely radiant, dear,” Hillary’s mother said after giving her a congratulatory kiss, “is Paul excited about prospect of becoming a father!?!” “Oh, yes, mother,” Hillary gushed, “he’s already talking about how he can’t[…]

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The drive-in

"Oh my God." John shook his head as he drove and said it out loud again, "Oh my GOD!" He laughed out loud and re-played the evening over and over in his head. He knew[…]

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Power rangers sex 2

As soon as the two cross the threshold to their shared apartment, their lips are glued to the other, ferociously tearing at the others clothes. A trail of clothing leads to their bedroom, strung across[…]

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