The party

The Party‏ After the break-up of the man who had given me 3 years of ultimate pleasure, my friends suggested I go to the "Party of the Century". After all I had been through, I[…]

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Back stage heat

It was just supposed to be a short nap. I’d been working day and night to get the sets built for our upcoming production of Romeo and Juliet. We’re a small theatre group and can’t[…]

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Dead men

"Chicago, the windy city." they call it. I just think its cold as fuck… I'm driving down I'm driving west on 290, toward the western side of downtown, to my office. I take a cigarette[…]

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Cassy iii

Two other couples had already come by the pool and they were busy trying to put the fish in the barbeque rod. One of them had caught four fishes to our three, I noted. Our[…]

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