Bb part 1

I write for money. I have several clients. A few more couldn't hurt. Email me at for MORE of my already written, and ongoing writing commissions, or if you are looking for a writer BB[…]

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Billy and i

BILLY AND I I remember once after practice, Billy and I were the last in the shower. I was faced away from him when he suddenly reached between my legs and grabbed my balls. He[…]

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Taken chapter 1

Taken: I hurried along to the tune of my ipod, my knee still hurting from volleyball practice, but I ignored it. I’d made a dive for the ball and landed too hard. The sun was[…]

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The sex tutor

My husband Frank and I have a great relationship. Just let me give you a little background. I have known Frank since we were young teenagers. We lived in the same neighborhood, and hung out[…]

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