1 This is the third time i've tried to write about the weekend. David rejected the first two attempts because He said they did not go into enough detail about how i was used. So[…]
Holiday 1 – the awakening
This was a holiday we both needed. It seemed so long since we both went away together. We needed time alone – time to let loose where no one knew us, so we booked a[…]
Favorite aunt – ch. 10-13
Chapter 10 Winds of Change Feeling completely relaxed in the warm, tingly afterglow of the best orgasm experience in her life, Jean felt different. The fog of satisfaction coated a dull but persistent feeling that[…]
An unpaid debt pt. 1
"JACKIE, Hurry up, you're going to be late for school. Lets go." "Wait, I'll be down in a second." Jackie quickly finished brushing her teeth and tied her hair up. She ran down stairs, gave[…]
My adven… my words
My First Adventure I had never cheated on my husband in twenty-three years of marriage, but he was absolutely convinced that I was having an affair and obsessed with the idea of getting me to[…]
Tender mercies
Like most young boys my sexual interests had me thinking of nothing but means for relief. I was just coming of age at thirteen. Gone were the days of electricity shooting up my legs during[…]
Private heroes – the devils breath part 9
I like working at Private Heroes. It's easy work for a good cause. The hours and pay are great and I finally have a chance to be with my son. He did his best to[…]
Rear end car accident encounter
It's a sunny, Friday afternoon, Kim a Asian pharmacist is on her way home after an early afternoon of playing tennis with a friend. She turns onto a tree lined street in the exclusive Preston[…]
Dress sexy
Dress Sexy (MF, mast, oral, tits) © 2005 Rhys.The.Mage I was constantly badgering my wife to wear things I thought were sexy. Problem was, not only did we have different ideas about the definition of[…]
Cross dressed, fucked, and loving it!
I heard them knock at the door a few minutes after seven. I would normally just think showing up a few minutes after the scheduled time appropriate. However, knowing what I was getting myself into[…]
You have my permission — part 1
How do you know when a marriage is over? It's not as simple as breaking up with someone because your feelings are no longer as strong. No. It's way bigger than that. You have to[…]
Rich boys love 54
me and harvey had a massive argument over his dad so when we woke up it was a usual morning harvey made me some breakfast and we had a shower together. when we was getting[…]
He's back
We live in a small town, I can't name it, but we would all agree that 2500 people is small enough. You'd think that in a town that small, every one would know everyone else's[…]
Finger fucked female
Lisa leaves her boyfriend and starts a new life. Everyone needs a first story, and this is mine. I hope you enjoy it. If you are looking for quick action you should probably look somewhere[…]
Nights in white satin (rewrite)
NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN The room was dark except for one small lamp on her desk more like an over size nightlight. Which cast small white streaks into the blackness. Sitting on her bed with[…]
My daughter's story
When my daughter was a little girl she got hit by a car and even though she can use her hands and arms, she can’t use them fully so she’s sitting her next to me[…]