An unpaid debt pt. 1

"JACKIE, Hurry up, you're going to be late for school. Lets go." "Wait, I'll be down in a second." Jackie quickly finished brushing her teeth and tied her hair up. She ran down stairs, gave[…]

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My adven… my words

My First Adventure I had never cheated on my husband in twenty-three years of marriage, but he was absolutely convinced that I was having an affair and obsessed with the idea of getting me to[…]

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Tender mercies

Like most young boys my sexual interests had me thinking of nothing but means for relief. I was just coming of age at thirteen. Gone were the days of electricity shooting up my legs during[…]

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Dress sexy

Dress Sexy (MF, mast, oral, tits) © 2005 Rhys.The.Mage I was constantly badgering my wife to wear things I thought were sexy. Problem was, not only did we have different ideas about the definition of[…]

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He's back

We live in a small town, I can't name it, but we would all agree that 2500 people is small enough. You'd think that in a town that small, every one would know everyone else's[…]

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