One day a guy was standing on the first tee of his local golf course, when another man walked up and said, "The pro said I could join you, if you don't mind." The guy[…]
All around town chapter one
Chapter One Under the bleachers. The crowd cheered as the loacal high scholl team ran onto the feild. Amber who had just graduated the previous year attended tonights game, only she hadn't come to watch[…]
Oh how love has sharp claws pt. 2
Sorry I took so long to get the second part up. 1. I was on vacation for awhile. 2. I made the story a lot longer. 3. I got a little of a writer's block[…]
My step sister heather.
It’s been eight years since my mother died, three years passed and my father started to date once more. Four years later and my dad remarried to a young woman named Helen at first I[…]
Karen's drinking problem (part 1)
drinking problem" Remember that this is fantasy written for adults not children. If any of the stories come close to anyones reality, it is purely by chance. I hope you enjoy the story. /> My[…]
Hypno slavers: the dr. emily group-part 2
When I awoke the next morning I dragged myself from the bed and took a good long shower. My appointment was at two pm and since it was about eleven I had time to pamper[…]
Bared fangs
She rubbed the shampoo into her fur slowly, letting her paw only linger down near her pussy for a moment, ‘No,’ she thought, ‘He will take care of that when he gets here.’ She gave[…]
Convient cumming with sister
Cumming with Sis I became very curious about the female anatomy at a very young age. I had a brother that was 2 years older than me that I inherited the dirty magazines from but[…]
Jessica part 2 exploring bondage
Jessica Explores Bondage After spending an night and morning exploring the sexuality of my best friend’s wife, Jessica, she had expressed an interest in exploring bondage. I decided that I would put together some things[…]
New to breeding by stranger
Nhu is a beautiful Vietnam singer, she is married and has not been successful in becoming pregnant. She came to the farm reluctantly. I hold the tearful Nhu close in my arms. I cared little[…]
The girlfriend saga: meeting katie
So there she was… dancing in the middle of the dance floor. i sat and watched as her sexy ass swayed to the beat. her long slender legs and her mini skirt. and im guessing[…]
Revenge is served
Just a note, I love writing stories, but it is harder than I thought it would be. I have learned and for those who follow my stories thanks. The hardest part is trying to put[…]
My mother, my lover, my mistress
My Mother: My Lover and My Mistress WRITTEN BY:{MuffDiver} Edited for readability by: EMPRESS LAINIE An excellent and well written story. This is a very long story. (Fm, MFF, incest, virginity, oral, masturbation) An account[…]
The beast within two souls – part 1
It is a Friday night, and I am feeling an urge somewhere in my heart. I do not know what I want, but at the same time I do. I dont know if she will[…]
The prima donna
Lisa was what they call a prima donna. She gets her nails done every two weeks like clockwork, won't go out without her makeup on, always dresses in the latest styles, says "ish" to housework,[…]
Stephs intro to sex chapter 2
Stephs Intro To sex Chapter 2 It has been over 2 months since i first done something sexual ever since then ive been looking up stuff on sex on the internet. I now have a[…]